Gas and Water Sub-Meters

We’ve got you covered!

What is a sub-meter?

A sub-meter is a device installed in individual units of a multi-family rental complex such as a condominium, apartment building, duplex, triplex, or a mobile home. It measures and tracks water, gas or electricity usage of each unit it is installed in. The meters are read at the same time as the main meter, and each unit is charged according to its individual consumption.


When sub-meters make sense

If you live in or own a multi-unit dwelling, you may want to better record the gas and water usage for each unit. Sub-metering contributes to good energy management and is a great option for consumers who would like to take control of their gas and water usage. A sub-meter will allow high-usage consumers to examine their consumption more closely and prevent low-usage consumers from having to subsidize other users. Leaks and fluctuations in the system that otherwise go unnoticed can be easily identified and fixed with sub-meters in place. Our experienced professionals at Prompt Plumbing and Electrical can give you sound advice and an obligation-free estimate for a sub-meter installation today.


Get the right meter for your home

There are many meters available on the market, many of which would not meet Australian requirements or do not identify the manufacturer and serial number.  Such meters are illegal to install, you can be made to remove them and be issued a fine for the violation. Our licensed and insured experts can equip your property with a water or gas sub-meter that is completely legal, fits with requirements and will give you the peace of mind that you deserve.


Leave it to the experts!

Prompt Plumbing & Electrical are experts when it comes to installing and maintaining submetering equipment. Our licensed tradesmen can offer you expert advice on the business of sub-meters, bring in legal, approved products and take care of the installation in a timely manner. We take pride in sending our own trained and insured technicians to install and maintain any submeter, every time. Each project begins with a full assessment of your existing systems, recommendations and a tailored plan and implementation schedule. Our team is highly experienced working with all types of submetering systems, and are qualified to supply, retrofit or install a custom submeter to your property. We are yet to meet a challenge we could not overcome for a client. Call us to discuss your requirement or get an obligation free quote today!

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